Ratio Calculator

Use our simple online Ratio Calculator to find Ratio with step-by-step explanation.

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How to use the Ratio Calculator


Step 1

Enter your Ratio problem in the input field.


Step 2

Press Enter on the keyboard or on the arrow to the right of the input field.


Step 3

In the pop-up window, select the needed operation. You can also use the search.

What is ratio in algebra

Proportion is a very convenient mathematical tool that has found wide application in various areas of our life. To calculate the proportion, use our simple online calculator: Percentage determines what percentage of a whole a given number is. To find the percentage, you need to divide one number by another and multiply by 100%.

Our calculator calculates the unknown member of the proportion online. Just enter the known terms of the proportion, and leave the place for the unknown empty, and the calculator will return an answer with a detailed solution. The product of the extreme terms is equal to the product of the middle terms, this rule is also called the rule of the cross.

You can quickly perform this mathematical operation using our online program. To do this, enter the initial value in the corresponding field and press the button. This page presents the simplest online calculator for calculating proportions using a simple mathematical formula depending on three other numbers. With this program, you can calculate the proportion in one click.

The simplest example where proportion is used is to calculate percentages. In general, the use of proportions is so wide that it is easier to say where they are not used. Proportions can be used to determine distances, masses, volumes, as well as the amount of anything, with one important condition: in proportion, there must be linear dependencies between different objects.